IT outsourcing goes under many names: global sourcing, offshoring, near-shoring, captive outsourcing, and non-captive outsourcing - all of them describe the outsourcing of IT services.
The outsourcing of IT services can include software development, the operation of servers or a specific application (e.g. Web server), or other tasks.
IT outsourcing is not new, and yet there are very few users who are fully familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages that it can bring.
Relevant technical papers from pliXos on IT outsourcing
Outsourcing Yearbook 2013 - A view from Germany
“Outsourcing Status Quo, Trends and Hot Topics”
An Overview on the status quo, trends and hot topics in Germany as seen by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fritzemeyer and Dr. Jörg Stimmer, board members of the European Outsourcing Association Germany e.V. (page 52).
Outsourcing Yearbook 2011 - A Focus on Germany
Outsourcing Yearbook 2011
An Overview on the Outsourcing trends in Germany as seen by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fritzemeyer und Dr. Jörg Stimmer, board members of the European Outsourcing Association Germany e.V. (page 37).
What Do Standards Have to Do With Nearshore Vendor Management?
Nearshore Americas 14.07.2011
Peopleware - the Human Parameter as the Critical Success Factor of Outsourcing
Outsource Magazine 15.06.2011
The rise of the "Facebook Generation” and its impact on offshore outsourcing
Outsource Magazine 11.04.2011
At many recent IT conferences or CIO events there has been great interest in the rise of the “Facebook Generation” in business positions, and their impact on IT organisations and operations. This new generation will expect to use major internet based media platforms like chat, wiki, Facebook, and YouTube to communicate and collaborate in business the same way as with private friends.
Benchmarking of IT Outsourcing on an operational level
Outsource Magazine 5.11.2010
ZDespite benchmarking IT budgets or other parameters on a company level (a typical example being “IT cost vs. revenue”) or to compare basic data such as “dayrates of an offshore contract”, challenges are described when outsourcing users want to understand their - and their service provider’s - performance on a project level. The goal is to be able to identify the major drivers for improvement and tackle them. A direct exchange of lessons learnt and experience between different users are explicitly encouraged.
Outsourcing - A German Perspective
Outsource Magazine Issue 21 / Autumn 2010
At present, outsourcing in Germany is not nearly as established as in the UK or the US. Around 60 per cent of the German workforce is employed in small or medium sized enterprises, these are the so called Mittelstand, which are often managed and owned by the founder or members of their family. This personal involvement, and the German attitude of "keeping control", are typically not conducive to outsourcing .
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Global Sourcing 2.0 - Automation and Standardisation (industrialization) in offshore/nearshore IT Services 
EOA Summit 2010, 29.6.2010
The industrialization of IT services, as provided by offshore and nearshoring, promises a significant improvement in productivity. Productivity tools support the industrialization and accelerate implementation into the organizations.
IT Outsourcing - project success, even with increasing legal regulation?, 09.06.2010
Despite extensive contract work, outsourcing projects can still fail. Too often the needs of project management are neglected. Tips for project success.
Inadequate project control - junk projects in IT 
Computerwoche Online, 04.05.2010
The implementation of IT projects can sometimes develop into a task that can no longer be completed. Besides well-known IT projects such as Toll Collect, and Hercules every company fights, unnoticed by higher management, with projects that simply will not come to closure.
IT services from India: Successful "offshoring" opportunities and risk avoidance 
Unternehmer Edition, 05/2008
The sourcing of IT services from countries like India can be considered a logical continuation of the division of labour. One focus of "offshoring" is the development, maintenance and testing of software. Formerly the domain of international corporations, this aspect of globalization is being used more and more by small and medium-size enterprises for their success.