In many companies Agile software development (especially Scrum) has started to replace the traditional software development models such as waterfall model, V-model, etc. used for software development. To establish the Agile method into development, many companies invest in the training of project participants. An alternative is to use appropriate tools.

Especially in the field of outsourced software development (offshore or nearshoring), the usage of tools can help to achieve the anticipated productivity.


Relevant technical papers from pliXos on Agile software development

Rigorously Agile

Rigorously Agile

Outsource Magazine



Agile methods in IT Outsourcing

Agile Methoden im IT Outsourcing pliXos White Paper, October 2010

This paper presents the special characteristics of outsourced software development and describes the ways which Agile methods can be used to increase the productivity of distributed development. Agile methods can be supported by the use of tools and so enable further productivity increases and cost savings.
