A white paper by Nuno Ribeiro, ubiwhere and Joerg Stimmer, pliXos


The lack of IT experts (Fachkräftemangel) as heavily experienced in Germany is a challenge in many European countries and hampering growth. At the same time other countries do have SW developers, etc. in quality and valuable numbers who want to get engaged. Transferring them to Germany and hiring them locally is found not to be a long term solution.

We propose a dedicated nearshore approach to be a solution of choice by eliminating any overhead and adapting the best practices proven at corporations to the specific needs of smaller or medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The upcoming nearshore destination - Portugal - is introduced and some of the benefits of Portugal are explained. The expertise of the authors as well as the options to support companies – especially smaller or medium sized ones – by a successful nearshore approach in SW development is touched.

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