Getting started!
Get in Contact with us
Contact pliXos and let our outsourcing consultants investigate your specific business environment and identify the applications for optimizing your IT supply chain. Let us suggest ways to meet your potential need for software development and maintenance. Our experience helps us to analyze your current projects and to propose practical and efficient improvements. We create realistic action plans and ensure that your long term sourcing strategy will pay off.
Run a pilot project
A pilot project is a good opportunity for us to get to know you and your business situation. A pilot project achieves well-defined milestones and tangible results - it is our chance, to prove to you our capabilities.
You get results from our partnership
At the end of the day only your results count. Our experience enables us to support you throughout the complete project life-cycle and assure that your companies sourcing benefits are very real. Therefore you can assess our value by measuring your success.
Your benefits
We ensure the quality of your software development by monitoring the development progress. We recognize early on if something is going wrong and help you to safely reach your goals.
When implementing a project with pliXos you can be sure that nothing will be forgotten. We ask the right questions and work closely with you to find the right answers.
Our products allow you to work effectively from the first day of the project. Without wasted time, the first project results are soon visible.
You will receive from pliXos not only external consultancy, but also the possibility to use our tools. This saves expensive consulting services and results in building up your own internal know-how.
After decades of experience in outsourcing, there are only a few issues that have not yet been addressed. Our experience forms the foundation of the best practices that pliXos makes available to you. In selected areas, tools have been developed especially to support our customers.
Client First!
A typical consulting project at pliXos leads to the solution of your question, which we have clearly defined together. Examples include: Which service provider fulfils my needs best? Is it reasonable to outsource / change provider? Or answering more complex questions, e.g. the organizational structure of a captive service centre in India.
We support you to achieve your objectives!
pliXos consulting projects do not have an infinite duration. At pliXos, we try to expand the knowledge of your company and to enable you to solve your problems independently.
Compentencies of the IT outsourcing consulting
pliXos offers comprehensive consulting services throughout the entire life-cycle of outsourcing.
Situation analysis and project preparation
- Outsourcing Strategy Consulting
- Supporting the make-or-buy-decision
- Vendor Management Consulting
- Support during the tendering process
- Outsourcing Contract
- Outsourcing project implementation
- Milestone monitoring
- Risk Management
IT Outsourcing Consulting
The pliXos model: your benefits, our references
» read more: the pliXos model
After decades of experience in outsourcing, there are only a few issues that have not yet been addressed. Our experience forms the foundation of the best practices that pliXos makes available to you.
» read more topic: value IT outsourcing consulting
Compentencies of the IT outsourcing consulting
pliXos offers comprehensive consulting services throughout the entire life-cycle of outsourcing.
» read more about the pliXos compentencies
» Compentencies - Situation analysis and project preparation
» Compentencies - project support
» Competencies - Project quality assurance
Your benefits
We ensure the quality of your software development by monitoring the development progress. We recognize early on if something is going wrong and help you to safely reach your goals.
» read more topic: benefits on IT Outsourcing
Getting started!
Contact pliXos and let our outsourcing consultants investigate your specific business environment and identify the applications for optimizing your IT supply chain. Let us suggest ways to meet your potential need for software development and maintenance.
» read more IT outsourcing consulting