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The current pandemic increases requirements for remote work and home office. It seems commonly accepted that remote work from home will remain a popular option in a post-Covid-19 future. Combining this change within the company (intra-organizational) with typical outsourcing scenarios, involving a client and a service provider (inter-organizational), we expect lasting implications.

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Is skill shortage in IT sector for real? Are there a lot of jobs but no candidate to fill these vacant positions? Are companies facing the challenge of recruiting the skilled software engineers with experience in emerging technologies?

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Indeed, Software is becoming an inevitable part of our world with everything becoming digitized from homes, transport to business. The above saying “Software is and will remain eating the world”, will always strike a chord with the pace at which technology is touching our lives.

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Rising IT spends by companies is fuelled by their interests in emerging technology fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, IoT, etc. The point is not all companies are able to make significant success in implementing them in their business.

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The start-up world is expanding, burgeoning & prospering each year to become one of the most promising sectors of the global economy. According to the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2019, the global start-up economy is booming and is said to have created a value of 2.8 trillion US$ between 2016-2018. This is a massive 20% rise compared to the previous term and more than two times what it was just five years ago.