24 August 2009
"Lunch-Meeting" of the European Outsourcing Association Germany e.V.
Presentation on "Trends in IT services and their impact on outsourcing projects, the example of Open Source and SaaS" on October, 6th, 2009
The "Lunch Meeting" of the European Outsourcing Association Germany e.V. on 6 October 2009 deals with current trends of in provision of IT services. Dr. Jörg Stimmer will give a presentation explaining the opportunities of the usage of open source tools and software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings in the IT outsourcing environment.
4 March 2010
"Outsourcing of technology service" - Presentation at the 8th BMBF Dienstleistungstagung
Presentation on the "Outsourcing of technology services" together with Prof. Dr. Nuettgens, University of Hamburg on the 8th BMBF Dienstleistungstagung, 22 to 23 April in BerlinThis year's motto of the 8. Dienstleistungstagung held by the BMBF is "Mit Dienstleistungen die Zukunft gestalten“ (Shaping the future with services).
Standardization is a key aspect of industrialization. In B2B services, for example software development, standardization is still in its infancy. This presentation shows the role of standardization in the outsourcing of IT services.
12 October 2010
16. Handelsblatt Congress - Strategic IT Management
Exhibitor at the 16. Handelsblatt congress "Strategic IT Management", Munich from January, 25th to 27th, 2010
40 CIOs and executives will discuss strategies for technology, organization, process, value creation and innovation.
pliXos will present at the annual congress an innovative solutions to optimize the implementation of global sourcing projects in the IT and address all CIOs currently responsible for IT outsourcing projects.
pliXos provides easy and cost effective solutions, consulting, and tools to improve IT outsourcing projects.
Outsourcing is the core service for handling and managing director of global sourcing projects, which is provided as Software-as-a-service. The methodological and practical competencies of pliXos based on years of experience in the management of global sourcing projects, both from the perspective of customers and service providers.
Contact person
- pliXos GmbH
- Dr. Joerg Stimmer
- Managing Director
- Pippinger Strasse 123
81247 Munich - Germany
- Fax: +49-32223757378
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- www.plixos.com
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zip: pliXos presskit (8,35 MB)