1 February 2010

Hamburger IT Strategietage 2010

Participation in the "Hamburger IT Strategietage 2010", Hamburg on February 11th and 12th, 2010

Under the motto "The CIO Agenda 2010" meeting on 11 and 12 February CIOs and IT leaders in Hamburg at the Hamburger IT Strategietage 2010. In addition to modern architectures, business process issues will be discussed, such as IT as a service. These trends are followed by pliXos with an innovative approach to optimize globally distributed software development projects based on open source components .

In the last years I came across several quite competent managers at customer’s side. One team impressed me with a quite in-depth analysis what a typical user has to do in order to start a successful offshore project from scratch.

Typical steps as defined by them and where one might the necessary input were

  1. Typical experiences, best practices concerning offshore/nearshore services utilisation
  2. Definition of potentials and risk, calculation of business case
  3. Service provider identification and evaluation, tender process
  4. Implementation planning
  5. Legal due diligence and contract negotiation
  6. Internal preparation of Global Sourcing and change management
  7. Project and team set up, transition
  8. Continuous improvements, including benchmarking


Per step, those managers saw different bodies where one might get realistic and trustworthy information, e.g. offshore vendor associations, analysts, consultants etc.
Whatever topic, I personally see the best source of information actual users who are willing to share their experiences openly with other users, if need be in a very close circle or even one-to-ones.
I hereby encourage everyone to comment on his experiences how to best obtain useful insights and real help to ensure a success in Global Sourcing projects!

12. May 2010

European Outsourcing Association Summit 2010 in· Brussel, June, 28th to 29th

Logo European Outsourcing AssociationThe European Outsourcing Association invites all outsourcing providers, users and consultants to share their experiences in Brussles June, 28th to 29th. Outsourcing users will present their experiences and by suggesting


  • important Lessons Learned,
  • established Best Practises und
  • practical Case Studies.

Dr. Jörg Stimmer, MD of pliXos GmbH, presented at this year's Outsourcing Summit, the most important aspects for successful implementation of an offshore project. All phases from strategy development through to project implementation are described.


20 April 2010

pliXos presents first application example of the DIN SPEC 1041 for technology-based outsourcing services

The pliXos GmbH, comittee member of the recently published SPEC DIN 1041 (technology-based outsourcing of knowledge intensive services) presents the Global Sourcing, the first application that meets the requirements of DIN SPEC 1041.