
By joining forces with industry respected executives at Quantaleap, and building on our longstanding, trusted relationships, pliXos offers our customers an easily manageable way to access Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities and benefits. Our cost-effective ‘hands on’ approach enables our customers to speedily test new ideas based on their specific needs and requirements, empowering their business through learning-by-doing.

Whether you want to test a new business idea, you need to reduce costs of established processes, or wish to optimize quality of services - we can define use cases, evaluate options, and run real-live prototypes, working with you and your team.

Quantaleap is an AI-first company, utilizing the spectrum of all major AI platforms and technologies. The (onsite) consultancy combined with global (offshore) delivery capabilities offers fast paced provision, rapid scalability, and highest levels of cost efficiency. Founded by Satish Ramakrishnan and Eswar Kappeta, its headquarter is in San Francisco, USA, with engineering hubs in USA and India.


Interested? Kindly contact Adrian at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the UK, Ireland, and Northern Europe or Joerg at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for Germany and Central Europe.

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There are many reasons driving the use of home-office or remote team set-ups in general. Be it the pandemic, the lack of skilled workers or simply the way young digital natives are expecting their work environment to be. Whatever the main driving force, we are certain those new way of work models will include work-from-home and are here to stay.

As already mentioned here: Building on the extensive experiences with offshore/nearshore SW / DevOps projects and other initiatives involving distributed teams, we identified building blocks for success, formed a network of experts and tools and defined a new service.

Thus, we are excited to have launched our new offering “Virtual-Teams as a Service “ (Virtual-T):Virtual T Logo d

Whether an employer, employee, freelancer or …. Kindly have a look at and give us your personal feedback. We are keen to improve on our concept and also look for further fitting colleagues and partners to shape this exciting new way of work: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

– Investments in Software biggest and further on the rise

The recently published European Venture Report by Pitchbook

( is an interesting read. Being in the tech sector myself, I think we are lucky to benefit from similar effects as seen by the Pitchbook authors: “The pandemic hit various sectors quite hard, but tech-based businesses traditionally linked to venture capital have demonstrated promising growth.” In a later evaluation of the deals, the pitchbook analysts write “As industries have shifted online, established tech-based companies have been able to ride a wave of growth during the past 18 months.

With people spending greater amounts of time online—rather than commuting, entering offices, or visiting physical stores—tech companies have had more users, which has translated to increased monetisation potential.” This is all good news to us

Further good news, although for sure no surprise to anyone in this market, is the graphs showing the venture capital deal value or deal count by sector:Further good news, although for sure no surprise to anyone in this market, is the graphs showing the venture capital deal value or deal count by sector:

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Software is the key sector and even on the rise. Thus, there is an ever-increasing need to good software developers. But even more important is for companies to have teams of those SW engineers working closely together in a DevOps mode and with a high productivity.

This, combined with a remote team set-up, is the heritage of pliXos. And it will be one of our key focus areas for the coming years. Our take, as published some time ago ( Software is - and will remain - eating the world – win with global delivery teams.

An extension of our offerings we currently work on is to cater for the implications of New Work models, staff being in home office most of the time. Due to our offshore/nearshore heritage, we know how to deal with remote teams and want others to benefit from this expertise. This will be under the services brand “Virtual-T”.  Interested to dig deeper? Some hints are at We are happy to receive a direct email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and a request to discuss our ideas in a videoconference.

This fits very well to the statements by the Pitchbook analysts “As daily routines and working have evolved during the pandemic, we believe modern, efficient, and integrated workplace software solutions will be a core growth area over the next decade as we grow accustomed to living with COVID-19.”

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Comments or interested in digging deeper? Contact us directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or follow us @pliXos_com, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, Youtube, Slideshare.


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Remote Teams is one Possible Solution

Numerous initiatives demonstrate the importance of innovative start-ups for the economy. Besides a good business idea and a solid financing, the growing lack of highly qualified professionals is getting the limiting factor for growth.

The German business news WirtschaftsWoche ( writes that nearly 27 percent of young tech start-ups claim the recruiting of skilled professionals to be the biggest challenge – 10 percent more than a year ago.

The lack of skilled professionals (“Fachkräftemangel” in German) is nothing new. Still, from the pliXos perspective start-ups have a benefit due to their typically flexible and modern structures. This benefit, those start-ups should take advantage of, is the use of Remote Work / Virtual Teams by use of fitting online tools and processes for communication and collaboration. The WirtschaftsWoche article writes start-ups do more and more offer jobs as fully remote and this is manifold increasing the number of suitable applicants. But a challenge remains in integration the remote colleagues into the team.

A successful integration of remote colleagues into the team needs to include a high productivity of the team as a whole. This requires the respective high level of motivation and commitment of all, but also the use of fitting processes and tools. Exactly the area addressed by the new pliXos offering “Virtual-T”.

Virtual T Logo dBuilding on the extensive experiences with offshore/nearshore SW / DevOps projects and other initiatives involving distributed teams, we identified building blocks for success, formed a network of experts and tools and defined a new service.

This offering also supports the requirements experienced by the increasing demand for Home Office / (New Work) in general.

Comments or interested in digging deeper?

Contact us directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As announced by the pliXos article “Virtualized Working enforced by Covid-19: Implications for Outsourcing Management”, the study has started.