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25 May 2010

pliXos special offer - flat rate for outsourcing consulting (SaaS)

The consulting flatrate (provideded as SaaS) allows companies to quickly and easily plan outsourcing projects - for an unlimited number of projects. Instead of expensive consultants, the CEO, CFO, CIOs and IT manager are supported to elaborate the outsourcing strategy by using plixos online tool. This tool ensures that all factors are considered and the optimal decision is taken.

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20 July 2009

Saving costs in the crisis changes the provision of consulting services

pliXos enables the online analysis of global sourcing IT projects

Munich, 20.07.2009 - External consultancy services have not only been subject to negotiation in many companies since the economic crisis. While some companies (e.g. Telekom) have only recently reduced the earnings of IT consultants in general, changes in the type of consultancy service provision will have long-ranging effects. With the online service "Outsourcing Advisor", pliXos provides the possibility of analysing important decisions in planning global sourcing in an uncomplicated and flexible way - without having to go without the methodical competence and the experience of outsourcing consultancy. Apart from the significant reduction of costs, this form of support also enables decisive advantages in the flexibility and quality of the services provided.

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21 July 2009

Collaborative Open Source software development

Collaborative Open Source software development means that a consortium of companies jointly develop software. The software is developed under an Open Source license and is available to all consortium members free of charge. The Open Source Business Foundation and pliXos support the collaborative open source software development through the facilitation of consortia and providing the necessary development platform.

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14 April 2010

Free guideline on standardized implementation of outsourcing projects (DIN SPEC 1041)

A panel of experts from different companies has developed as part of a DIN SPEC procedure practical guidelines and procedures for the management of outsourcing projects. The result is now available online (in German).

The DIN SPEC 1041 can be downloaded free of charge.
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2 April 2009

IT services from India: Successful off-shoring by leveraging opportunities and avoiding risks

Article in the magazine "Unternehmer Edition" 05/2008

The purchase of IT services from low-wage countries like India are the logical continuation of the division of labor. The development, maintenance and testing of software are typical services that are outsourced. For a long time, offshoring has been the exclusive domain of large cooperation, but today small and medium enterprises are taking up this opportunitiy.
