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The current pandemic increases requirements for remote work and home office. It seems commonly accepted that remote work from home will remain a popular option in a post-Covid-19 future. Combining this change within the company (intra-organizational) with typical outsourcing scenarios, involving a client and a service provider (inter-organizational), we expect lasting implications.

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According German magazine Wirtschaftswoche experts in Cloud as well as running home office infrastructures are sought for more than ever:

Easy to agree. Still, being cost optimized and coping with the lack of such experts, a high level of automation will be the best way forward.

This is exactly what we at pliXos work on with our close partner Trigya, by own SaaS tools as well as providing Managed Services.

Our goal “your partner for continuity in DevOps and optimized Cloud operations.” Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more.

Cloud DevOps pliXos Trigya 450

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Single, dual- or multi-vendor? Or do it yourself after all? At the IDG Sourcing Day 2015, decision makers from user companies will discuss their IT strategies in five parallel workshops on 24 June 2015 at the Cologne Sky Lounge — with a view of Cologne Cathedral. The topics range from designing contracts via motivating employees all the way to promoting innovation. Joerg Stimmer MD of pliXos will be there to contribute to the discussion. In particular if you are interested how innovative digital solutions for IT Sourcing Advisory services change the way to plan and implement your sourcing strategies as well as how to manage your suppliers, Joerg Stimmer is your partner to talk too.

Latest developments in automating processes along the full outsourcing life cycle have been combined in a SaaS-based tool-suite by pliXos and its partners to radically simplify global outsourcing. Structured data delivers more transparency, improves sourcing relationships and creates more outsourcing value.

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Munich, Dec 01, 2015

You are interested in our results? Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    We offer:
  • Comprehensive analysis related to relationship quality in IT outsourcing
  • Novel approach to automatically identify relationship quality with the help of metrics from social network analysis
  • Insights into new and creative approaches to manage and control outsourcing projects
    Wir look for:
  • Interview partners to validate our developed methods
  • User who are interested in similar topics
  • Users who want to share their ideas and experiences with us
  • Partnerships

Even though IT outsourcing is established within the economy as a common method many projects are rated as unsuccessful. To address this issue, pliXos and the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg initiated together a research project. Within the first months it became clear that significant reasons have been problems which arise from poor or not properly managed relationship quality between the customer and the respective service provider.

To improve the success rate of outsourcing projects and to avoid the subjective and cost intensive method of employee surveys the research project “Sourcing Relationship Tracker” (SRT) aims to develop a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) based tool which enables to measure the IT outsourcing relationship quality. Great emphasis is placed on a high automation level and on a clear and intuitive graphical representation (see figure 1).

PIC Artcile SRT Interviews 1 sFor this purpose we identified three methods which - in combination - serve as the data sources for the SRT Cockpit. In addition to the integrated survey tool which will be used only to a limited extent the sentiment as well as the social network analysis (SNA) will be the prime focus. Please see figure 2 for an overview of the concept.

PIC Artcile SRT Interviews 2 sCurrently we are focussing on the social network analysis, which is seen as a promising method to collect data, permanently and automatically. The term social network analysis describes the analysis of multiple actors which are in contact with each other. Actors can represent individuals, project teams as well as whole organisations. The emphasis here is the communication which takes place between the actors being individuals and the related communication patterns. Both will be analysed with the help of specific metrics, such as the strength of a relation (e.g. duration and number of interactions) or the network density (relationship between the actually existing relations and the potentially existing relations).

PIC Artcile SRT Interviews 3 sIn a first step an extensive literature research of scientific and university-based papers has been executed. Most results which have been identified are concentrated on the interrelation between specific SNA-metrics and the performance/ output of a project team. In a second step all identified paper results have been structured. Afterwards selected SNA-metrics have been allocated to the specified dimensions and factors of the IT outsourcing relationship quality.

Since this allocation is a completely new methodology it is necessary to discuss the relation between metrics and dimensions in order to validate the method. Thus we are searching for suitable interview partners which want to share their experience and knowledge with us to extend our already existing network of experts at customers, providers and consultants. Companies and knowledgeable individuals who are interested in a partnership are welcome. If we have attracted your interest to participate in an interview or if you are interested in further information about the research project, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

pliXos GmbH
Munich Technology Centre (MTZ)
Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1, 80992 Munich, Germany
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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We are happy to announce that our scientifically developed outsourcing provider rating approach will be presented at the 2015 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Meet Prof. Beimborn from Frankfurt School and Christian Jentsch from University of Bamberg in Puerto Rico from Aug 13 to 15.

We sincerely thank the official reviewers for the positive feedback and statements such as “a very useful concept in ICT for Development”, that our model “attempts to strike a balance between the technological components of the software and the “soft” business friendliness of the vendors. Indeed it is a holistic model” or “very informative paper with a lot of potential. I like the fact that you have developed your ’own‘ model and I can see the value that it can have for SME`s”. This feedback is highly motivating for our whole team.

AMCIS is the leading American conference on research done by Information Systems academicians:

In case of any questions or to directly discuss our research please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..